Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Software Engineering 1 2009-2010 Students

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Am I an IT Professional?

Am I an IT Professional?

by: Dony C. Dongiapon

Am I an IT Professional?

Yes I am an IT Professional. Being a professional in its truest sense means that someone must be proficient in all criteria of the field of work that he/she practicing in. For academic qualification, I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and currently pursuing a master’s degree of the same field. Presently I’ve been employed as an IT instructor of one of the state colleges in the region that enables me to practice my expertise in academic setting. With my young experience in the profession, I’ve been an adviser of thesis projects, and panel member and/or chairman of different thesis projects of BSIT undergraduate students. I also perform competency assessments of one of the TESDA qualifications, since I was certified as assessor by TESDA and also certified as competent of two TESDA ICT qualifications. It’s been uneasy to give class lectures to students in Ethics subject if your actions are contrary to what you preach. Aside from the effort that administration did, that we were sent to seminars and trainings on Ethics in Government Service and such, I personally educated myself and get familiarized with E-Commerce Law (R.A 8792) and Laws on Intellectual Property (R.A 8293) of the Philippines.
 The abovementioned very little endeavor of mine is just the beginning as an IT professional. It’s been my goal to further widen and enrich my IT experience in terms of industry immersion, research and extension activities, IT professional group membership, more skills certification, and more. It seems that list is endless.